2015-11-02 Message from the Sacred Heart for catholic christians
"Oh Sabrina, My harald, listen to Me. I am Christ."
"These days I see you suffering, dear, for My Church on earth and, unfortunately, you have good reasons for this.
My dear, go and write this morning for My beloved children - catholic christians - that I Myself want, this very day, to warn them against a huge deception that satan is plotting to implement."
"Dear beloved sons and daughters, I - the Man God Jesus Christ - warn you today that should Pope Francis allow divorced and civilly remarried people to access the Sacraments, of Eucharist and Confession - in that sinful situation in which they are at the moment in front of Me, Christ God - with this he would show that he has disowned the true Catholic Faith e, as a consequence, he should no longer be considered, at My Holy and Divine Presence, Its authentic custodian."
"In this case, then the blessing I gave him at the beginning of his papacy would have become vain and ineffective."
"For now go in peace, Sabrina, and with your heart, a little bit like Mine, broken because of pain. Amen".
Interior locutions received on November 2 2015, after the Holy Mass, in a church.