2019-06-02 The beloved sons of the Lord Jesus
On Sunday, June 2, 2019, with my husband Angelo, I went a devout pilgrimage to the wonderful sanctuary of Oropa (Biella).
On that occasion I entrusted, in a special way, to the Lord and to His Immaculate Mother every person who asked us for prayers.
During the afternoon, in the ancient church, a sacred function was held including the Holy Rosary, Vespers and the Eucharistic Blessing.
I was in the part of the church situated behind the precious Sacellum - where Mary, Queen of the Mount of Oropa, is venerated - where the Sacred Tabernacle is placed. I was kneeling.
So, when the priest passed by me solemnly holding Jesus in the Eucharist in order to expose Him to the adoration of the faithful, I heard in my heart:
"Priests are My beloved sons."
Dear sisters and brothers,
during this precious month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, let us raise every day intense prayers to God Love for all the sacred ministers: may the Lord - who loves each of them so much - preserve them from all serious sins, protect them from all evil and hold them ever closer to His Divine, Most Holy Heart.
Sabrina of Jesus