2019-07-24 Jesus is our Peace
"Dear children, seek Peace and follow it. Yes, follow its way.
But you will never find it - it will never be - outside the My Father God's Holy Will."
(significant pause)
"Beloved sons - men -, so beloved daughters of Mine - women -, your poor hearts need true Peace so much! Especially in this restless and hectic world."
"Seek this Peace by going into nature. By finding spaces of silence and recollection in blissful solitude. It is blissful solitude when the soul lives in My Holy Grace and perseveres in prayer waiting for the Bridegroom, in passionate search of the Beloved, that I am."
(significant pause)
"Beloved sons, My beloved daughters, I am your Peace, your Life and Resurrection: abandon sin if you really want Peace and the authentic serenity of the heaven that your heart is."
"Turn off the television, open the Holy Bible: eat and drink spiritually the Word of Eternal Life contained in it, like in a precious treasure chest. My Word is an invaluable Treasure."
(significant pause)
"I love you, My children: this is why, despite so many ungrateful things, I still bend pitifully over you - as a sweet mother over her tender child - to show you the Way - that I am - that leads to true Life: the path - narrow but safe - that leads to eternal Joy."
"Go in peace."
Interior locutions received on July 24, 2019, before the morning Holy Mass, in church.