2018-06-20 "In the excess of the Mercy of My Sacred and Divine Heart..."
- The Lord Jesus is Really Present in the Consecrated Host, and thus He will be
as long as the sacred words of Consecration will not be changed and altered -
At the hour of the Vespers, during a silent community adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I hear in my heart:
"This Message, Sabrina, is the crowning of My two previous ones."
(significant pause)
"Can there be a heretic pope?
But, if one is a heretic, is it not true that, for that very reason, he is no longer a pope?"
"And so, why have I clearly confirmed to you the validity of the Masses that are currently celebrated in the Catholic Church, even when they are officiated by pastors who are heretics?"
"Sabrina, the Love that burns in My Divine Sacred Heart is GREAT.
I do not want to leave My beloved sheep, fasting on Me, so that they do not fail on the narrow path of Life (Matthew 15,32 and Matthew 7,13-14), which leads to Heaven - Place and State of ineffable Happiness -."
(significant pause)
"It is for this reason that in the excess of the Mercy of My Sacred and Divine Heart, I promise My true Eucharistic Presence also in the Masses celebrated by the unworthy: My ministers, poor sinners, who are in a state of mortal sin.
But not only this: I make Myself Really Present also in the Masses celebrated by pastors who, already today, are prey to serious errors and have fallen into heresy: into one or more heresies. Amen."
Note: when the Sacred Heart spoke the holy words stated above - so comforting, luminous and clarifying -, I could not help but grasp their resemblance to what the Lord Jesus said to His holy servant, Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque, in the Solemn Promise He made to her, concerning the devotion of the First Nine Fridays of the month.
In affirming this I refer both to some verbal expressions, which the Lord has used in both revelations; and - above all - to the boundless Goodness of the Divine Heart, which, burning with Infinite Love for each of us, His sons and daughters, performs stupendous wonders of authentic Mercy, in order to try and draw us all to the blessed port of Salvation and eternal Life.
In fact, the Sacred Heart of Jesus said to Saint Margaret Mary:
"I promise you, in the excess of the Mercy of My Heart, that My Almighty Love will grant to all those who communicate themselves on the first Friday of the month for nine consecutive months, the grace of final perseverance. They will not die in My disgrace, nor without receiving the Sacraments, and My Heart will be their safe refuge at that extreme hour."
"And this I do - in perennial and supremely loving union with God, My sweet Father, and with Our Divine Paraclete - for that Incommensurable Love that has led Me, the Eternal and Immortal Word, to assume, in the fullness of time, your true, poor mortal flesh. TO SAVE YOU. TO REOPEN, OH CHILDREN, THE ARCANE DOORS OF HEAVEN, WHICH HAD BEEN CLOSED BY THE FIRST SIN (Galatians 4,4-5). AMEN."
(significant pause)
"Therefore, oh sons and daughters, My beloved ones, of the Catholic Church: know for certain that, as long as the sacred words of Consecration will not changed and altered, I, MOST HOLY SACRAMENT- according to My irrevocable promise: to be with you every day, until the end of the world (Matthew 28,20) - I will really be with you, oh My Church on a tiresome journey through time. Amen."
"I LOVE YOU, children! I LOVE YOU!
I am Jesus, the Savior."
"Go in peace!".
Interior locutions received on June 20, 2018, in church.