2019-10-07 Message from the Blessed Virgin Mary

During the morning Holy Mass, I hear in my heart the heavenly Mother's sweet voice:

"Daughter, I am the Virgin Mary. Write."

Shortly afterwards:

"Daughter beloved, I am the Blessed Mother."

"Tell My beloved little children - on My blessed Son's precious Site -, that I exhort them with all the gentleness, sweetness and power of My Immaculate Heart, to pray My Holy Rosary with all their heart, every day."


"Dear children! The more you pray My blessed Crown with your heart, the more you will have true peace for your hearts, in these troubled times."


"The more you will pray with your heart, the more the mystical image of My blessed Son, Jesus Christ, will imprint itself on your hearts. Thus, each day you will get closer to true Salvation."


"Beloved children! Abandon the ephemeral vanities of the world and - with Divine Grace and with the free contribution of your human will - make your life a holy and tiring, yet happy, journey towards Heaven. Amen."

(significant pause)

"Beloved children, renounce sins: all sins; and, in particular, mortal sins, which mystically make the Most Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus bleed so much."

(significant pause)

"Daughter beloved, go in peace and, together with the Holy Angels, adore My Son who once again, in this Holy Mass, admirably sacrifices Himself for you, all humanity, whom He immensely loves."


"Go in peace".

Interior locutions received on October 7, 2019, liturgical memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary, in a church.