2018-03-05 Message from the Sacred Heart for Italy


While I give thanks after the Holy morning Mass, I hear in my heart:

"Oh darling! (note: said with a tone of voice that expresses pain)

I am Christ."

(significant pause)

"I come to you today, after these general elections, to exhort My Italian believing children, and those who believe in Me in the whole world - and especially in Europe - to exhort them, so, to a strong prayer for Italy.

Italy, yes: My beloved nation: blessed over the centuries with many great (women and men) Saints, and with the flourishing of many good Deeds, who found their origin and their last, supreme goal in Me. Amen."

"Italy, that however, at the moment, and not since yesterday, has turned its back on Me and on the Good Heavenly Father, who had so much blessed and looked after her with intense, and always faithful, Divine Love."


"Beloved little sons, My beloved daughters: Pray! Pray! Pray! because the nation that refuses God - and life - has no true future, and, above all, its souls do not and will not have eternal salvation.

By this I mean to tell you, oh Sabrina, My chosen one, that many souls go to Hell: even among Italians, at the present, many fall into the infernal fire. In the place where there is no more remedy, and never again peace, forever. Amen."

(significant pause)

"Abortions - millions of them -; euthanasia; unions, so-called civil unions, (that go) against nature.

Contempt for life; abominable practices on human embryos."

"All this shouts revenge to the Throne of the Most High Majesty; and, in fact, the Father will soon punish the world, and Italy, with such suffering that you, at least in part, cannot even imagine.

Pray! Pray! Pray!"

(significant pause)

"And My poor Church? ... Here, the one that should be the lighthouse and light of Truth - My Truth - is, to a great extent, blurred; and thus she throws smoke, no longer true light, amen, upon the poor souls, upon the poor sheep of My flock, which is on earth. Amen."

(significant pause)

"For now, oh Sabrina, you can go in peace.

Do always work for Me and for My Kingdom of Love and Justice ...

Go in peace!".

Interior locutions received on March 5, 2018, Monday of the third week of Lent, in church.