2013-03-17 Message from the Sacred Heart of Jesus to the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis
“Sabrina, I am Christ the Lord. Amen.”
“Take your writing materials and write down this, that I am about to tell you. Amen.”
Pause, followed by a personal dictation.
Then the Divine Teacher continues and tells me:
“So write, My chosen one, on My precious Site, that: the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly blesses His new Vicar on earth, Pope Francis. Amen.”
“Francis, My chosen and beloved child, and dear and mostly devout child of the Virgin, My Mother, the Immaculate Mary; lover of Truth and spouse of Lady Poverty; friend of the humble, the small, the miserable, the poor: I BLESS YOU. AMEN.”
(significant pause)
“I, Christ Jesus, today, tell you, like I did several centuries ago to the humble and very fervent Little Friar of God: GO, FRANCIS. GO! AND REPAIR MY HOUSE, WHICH, AS YOU CAN SEE, IS FALLING INTO RUINS. AMEN.”
“For now, Sabrina, I have nothing more to tell you; but I will be back soon.
Go in peace. I bless you, My little and chosen voice.”
“I am Christ, the supreme Chief of the mystical Bride, the Church of God.”
“Go in peace!”
Interior locutions received on March 17, 2013, fifth Sunday of Lent, after the Holy Mass, in St. Stephen parish in Appiano Gentile (Como), Italy.