2019-06-14 The offering of one's life in reparation to God

Shortly before the beginning of the Vespers Mass.

I am praying the Rosary when I hear it in my heart:

"Sabrina, listen to Me. I am Christ."


"The multitude of poor sinners REJECT ME, and with their own lives they repeat: Crucify! Crucify!"


"I am looking for chosen souls, good and chaste souls, who offer Me their own lives, in reparation for a multitude of serious sins and despicable - horrible - offenses committed against Me, Really Present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar."

(significant pause)

"My dear Christian souls, who are in Grace of God: have compassion for Me, Jesus Christ - True God and True Man - who, in the Blessed Sacrament, am the Poorest of the poor."

(significant pause)

"My beloved daughters, all souls, My dear ones, in the Most Holy Eucharist there is My Sacred Living and True Heart.

Come and adore Me soon!

Keep Me company, especially in this holy month of Mine, desecrated by filthy public manifestations.

Pray, Oh sons and daughters of the Bride Church, for those brothers and sisters of yours, still My creatures, who, however, want to live against nature, thus making Me shed Blood Tears."


"Offer, Oh sons and daughters of the Bride Church, humble and fervent reparation, for the public offences committed by them - poor sons and daughters! - against Me and against My Most Holy Mother."

(significant pause)

"For now, Oh Sabrina, go in peace, and pray the Holy Spirit that those who live against nature may be enlightened as soon as possible by His shining Light, and may thus, rejecting the great darkness of serious sin, embrace and support themselves strongly in the shining Light of My Truth."

"Go in peace!".

Note: the holy dictation ends at the end of the prayer of the faithful.

Interior locutions received on Friday, June 14, 2019, in church.